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Welcome To My World

This is the thoughts of a small town youth pastor giving God all he is to the will of the ONE who saved him.
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Monday, June 21, 2010


Well maybe now I can get back to keeping my blog updated. Man it has been so exciting around the Welch home since the last post. To update everybody The Pointe our youth group at LifePointe went on our summer camp and god showed up and showed out!!!! like I have never seen before. The band was just so amazing and Anointed of God and the speakers came in and give everything over to God and let Him speak through them. We had 2 young men and 1 young lady give their lives over to Christ and several accepted the Anointing of God upon their lives for leadership, ministry, and music others including adults just fell back in love with our Lord which is so AMAZING!!! God has been working so strong in our home I feel great things are about to take place but it has not been easy it has took LOTS of prayer, tears and nights of just being on our faces before the Throne of the Almighty but I truly know all these things are from God. God has sent me a new friend which I think we may be related because it is like talking to myself. I am very blessed to say that it is not just us that great things are happening for. All of our, I will not say friends because they are so much more so I will say family, God is showing up in their lives and pouring His Spirit out upon them which is something that never gets old. I have to include my Fathers Day story. The kids got up early and fixed a spread of food for me and had some of sweetest cards sitting on my plate and bought me a app store gift card so I could buy music and games THEY like for my ipod which was so nice I have not got to play since I got got them LOL!!! It is ok it bring me more excitement to see them happy and playing together than any gift I could get. You know people say God is not active in people's lives as He was back in Bible times that bothers me. I guess the best answer I have for these people is a question so here we go. Have you ever opened your self to God I mean have you ever poured your self out and took hold of all the things God has for you? Yes I said take hold! what I am saying is God is not going to come to your front door like UPS and drop the package off you have to put forth some effort. God said He wants to bless us so much it blow our minds but He wants to do it for His Glory not to make us rich or famous but to give us the means to take this world back from satan and for us to say Father this is all for Glory!!!!! I hope everyone who reads this is blessed in some way and always seek out what God has for you and take it and use it for his Glory.